Huichol. El primer amanecer
en un cuento huichol de tradición oral
Lengua: Huichol del este de Jalisco
Lengua: Huichol del este de Jalisco
Traducción y Locución Wiyeme Salvador López
Ilustrador Enrique Sañudo
Dirección y Producción COMBO
Animación COMBO / Enrique Sañudo
Música Enrique Quiroz / Biovo
Diseño de Audio Wetback / Igor Figueroa
Traducción y Locución Wiyeme Salvador López
Ilustrador Enrique Sañudo
Dirección y Producción COMBO
Animación COMBO / Enrique Sañudo
Música Enrique Quiroz / Biovo
Diseño de Audio Wetback / Igor Figueroa
Versión wixárika
Mat+ari muka he k+arix+ tsíe mieme
Me p+teku xaata kename meri pait+, ta ´iwat+arima me hayek+ reyetewakaku haramara tsíe,
´Etsiwa xeik+a ´u hek+akaku metserik+, tsiere x+rawe tsixi wahek+.
Kaka+yari tsixi, meteuti xaataka, tats+arí mem+ye huukaik+ ta matsi kauyumari me heuwaut+kait+, h++ri tsíe pait+.
´Emeteu tewit+rí me ´u huut+, h+ri tsíe rí me heta ´ax+aku, ta matsi kauyumari yu xa+tá peyuyetua me mimienik+, m+k+ tari ´iyarieya hikuri pat+a. ´Anatari yatiuy+ku, tats+arí meetsa m+y+ane yu niwé p+yetua, ka heuniereme, tsiere ´uti ´+tsaiwame, tsiere kwinimieme reuta m+iweme, m+k+ ´ana taipa me peih+a, yatíu h++yaku táu puti nuiwax+, tats+arí ta yéu.
´Ik+ ´ana mat+ari te weweiyamete máxa me pumi, tsiere ´ana mat+ari puku hek+arix+.
´+pa+ mep+te ku xaata Wixaritari.
English Version
About the first sunrise
They say many years ago, our ancestors got out of the sea when the world was still dark.
The only light was the one coming from the moon and the stars.
The gods formed the first jicarero group and began their search for the deer and the Sunrise Hill.
After a long journey to the hill, the deer gave itself voluntarily to the hunters and its heart became peyote. Then the moon gave away her son, a blind and crippled boy, yet a great hunter who jumped into a bonfire and, after going through the underworld, came back as the Sun. He is our father Tayau.
That's how the first hunt and our first sunrise came to be.
That's how the Wixárikas tells it.
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